Structural Investigations

Anchor Engineering’s team includes experts who perform structural investigation services.

You might need a structural investigation if you are …

  • Considering a remodel and want to know what modifications would be structural, and how they should be made (wall removal, new basement windows, etc.).
  • Planning to buy or sell a home, and have specific structural concerns (foundation distress, sloping floors, twisted beams, etc.).
  • Needing repair recommendations to address damage to a building’s structure (tree fall, fire, flood, distracted driver).
  • In need of a forensic investigation to evaluate the current structural condition and/or identify construction defects or deficiencies.
  • Adding equipment to a roof (mechanical units, solar systems, etc.) or a pre-demolition condition assessment.

Our engineers provide an objective, on-site consultation to answer your questions and concerns. Additionally, you may opt to receive a stamped report. This provides you with the engineer’s expert opinion and a summary of repair solutions – the knowledge you will need to make an informed decision about next steps. We are committed to providing you with prompt, personal and professional service.